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Woman Working From Home
Why Scrum is Ideal for Managing Remote Teams

Post By Samuel Khew | 16 October 2020

Working from home is becoming the new normal thanks to Covid19. Learn how Scrum has helped us maintain productivity and continue to deliver.

Sprint Retrospective like a F1 Pit Stop
Sprint Retrospectives- Overlooked and Undervalued

Post By Samuel Khew | 21 December 2018

Like an F1 driver who never enters the pit stop, often we exchange Sprint Retrospectives for more development time. Find out why this is a big mistake.

Calculator On Desk
Story Points: What do they mean and how do you calculate it?

Post By Samuel Khew | 10 October 2018

As important as they are, story points can be confusing. Learn this metric and how to calculate it to consistently delivery projects on budget and on time.

The Suria Labs Development Process

Post By Samuel Khew | 28 June 2018

The best teams have development skill coupled with good processes. Take a peek into our playbook as we share how our development process works.